May 30: Nothing much under the burlap today

No hairstreak larvae under the bands today, but some of the commonly encountered species are reaching their final instars and starting to pupate. I’ve already seen a few chalky yellow tent caterpillar cocoons stuck between the two flaps of burlap on a number of trees and today I found a pupa of another species.

Malacosoma americana_1

A last instar American Tent caterpillar (Malacosoma americana).

Malacosoma cocoon_2

A tent caterpillar cocoon between two burlap flaps.


A chubby molting Ruby Quaker (Orthosia rubescens).

Catocala ilia_1

A large, irritated last instar Ilia underwing (Catocala ilia).


Unknown pupa attached to the burlap.